
posted in: Gardening, Herbs | 0

Hello all, I’ve been so busy finishing up all the gardening and herbing.

I picked some mugwort and dried it.  It’s in my bedroom, and I would attest it promotes dreaming.

I’m thinking of adding some lavender, so they aren’t so sharp.

Anyway, today I’m canning some tomato juice.  I brined hot peppers yesterday, 2 quarts.  I’ve never made those before but found the recipe from

Deanna Cat from  Homestead and Chill 

so I’m trying it.

It’s a good gardening site, loads of good info.  She has a blog she sends out with email.

It was a great garden this year, but our silver queen blew down in the big storm we had June 29.  (No power for 5 days!) The peppers did not produce as well as I’d like but my brother gave me a lot and I roasted them, ummm.

Well, back at it.  All the Best in the last week of Summer 2023.

Happy Herbing!