First he ate some French beans and then he ate some radishes and then, feeling rather sick, he went to look for parsley.” – Beatrix Potter
(Petroselinum crispum )
Parsley is full of nutrients that help give it the name of one of nature’s preventative medicines. Parsley is a rich source of vitamin B and potassium, high iron, chlorophyll, calcium, phosphorus, vitamins A & C., riboflavin, thiamine, trace amounts of niacin and a high content of odor-absorbing and oxygenating chlorophyll. in addition, Parsley has 10,000 IU beta-carotene per half cup, plus four antioxidants: coumarins, flavonoids, monoterpen, and polyacetylene,. Parsley is one of the most nutritionally loaded herbs there is. These nutrients all help strengthen the immune and cardiovascular systems.
Parsley will help build resistance to infections and diseases. Scientists have found a substance that inhibits the development of certain cancer cells.
It is commonly used in combination formulas for weight loss, and supplements that support the kidneys, liver, thyroid and other glandular systems. Other uses for Parsley have been to tone the urinary tract reducing the possibility of infections, alleviate painful menstruation, lowering blood pressure and improving asthma, allergies and bronchitis by drying excessive mucous. Chewing parsley after a meal helps to avoid having bad breath.
Parsley is stimulating to the digestive system, and helps to relieve gas and indigestion. It increases sweating and stimulates the function of the kidneys. It benefits the lungs, stomach, liver, and thyroid, and has helped in passing all stones, and helps in bladder infections. Externally, a poultice of parsley is good at helping wounds heal faster without complications of infection Parsley is best used fresh, and eaten raw.
Pregnant woman should not use parsley for it may bring on an early labor! Midwives use fresh parsley juice to stimulate contractions of the uterus. It may dry up mother’s milk flow, which could be good or bad, depending on if the mother wants to nurse. If you have kidney problems, don’t use parsley.
Parsley is a biennial, but is usually cultivated as an annual because the first year leaves have the best flavor Seeds collected from second year plants and dried thoroughly will keep for two or three years. Parsley grows well from Zones 3-10 and prefers full sun, but will tolerate light shade. Plant in a rich soil amended with manure or compost. The soil should be well drained and the PH should be neutral to acid.
There are several varieties including Italian, Extra Curled Dwarf, Emerald, Moss Curled, Green Velvet, and French.
Sow seeds outdoors in the very early spring or in the late fall just before the soil freezes. In climates with hot summers, better results will be achieved by planting in the fall. Plant seeds 1/4 inch deep, and be prepared for a wait since germination can take six to eight weeks. The seeds will germinate faster if the seeds are soaked in lukewarm water for 24 hours before planting. Keep the soil moist until the seeds have germinated. Thin seedlings to three inches apart when they are two to three inches high. You can harvest parsley leaves as soon as the plant is 6 inches tall.
You can put fresh leaves into a glass with water in the refrigerated to help keep it fresh for about a week, or they can be chopped and frozen for later use. I like using an ice cube tray to freeze for single use, making it easy to use in the winter. Parsley used dry has much less flavor and nutrients. All varieties of parsley can be grown indoors as potted plants. Grow these on a cool, sunny windowsill, where they will produce fresh leaves for harvesting all winter. Here is a recipe for you to enjoy – Parsley Pesto.
The information in this display is meant to be used in conjunction with the guidance and care of your physician. The remedies described here are neither advice nor prescriptions, but ideas. Any remedy -from any source – should be employed with caution, common sense, and the approval of your physician.